Tribute to Win Wachsmann (Nov. 4, 1949 – Dec. 3, 2023)

Founder and past director of Adventure Freedom Foundation

Loving husband, father, and friend

February 2024 

Part 1: (written by Win Wachsmann – updates up to October 2023

History of the activity of the Adventure Freedom Foundation (AFF).

Founded in 2000, AFF received its charity designation in 2008.

Before 2020, AFF worked primarily with disabled and disadvantaged persons in the field of education to assist them with finding work and developing work-related skills.

The 2020 health crisis caused AFF to shift emphasis to providing food and services support to the city’s marginalized. AFF partnered with The 5&2 Ministries to provide food and services on a volunteer basis. Win was designated by The 5&2 to pick up food weekly from the Salvation Army.

Since 2020 we also started a prayer and encouragement ministry at Mill Lake Park. Win took our rabbit called Cocoa, sits at a table near Kariton House (Abbotsford, BC) and offers prayer, hope and encouragement to those who stop by.

We have had a significant number of answered prayers. Praise the Lord. People’s lives have been changed forever as God answered these prayers.

We also hand out booklets written and produced by Carrie and paid for by friends and AFF to encourage visitors. I Have Pitched My Tent in the Land of Hope and The Little Book of Hope have received much positive feedback. .


In April 2023, AFF moved into other unserved and underserved areas in Abbotsford.

AFF has been assisting a number of groups and individuals by providing food and services in the community for the past three years.

The need is tremendous, and AFF wants to increase its services and assist other individuals and groups in expanding its reach and effectiveness.

In the past, AFF has assisted in providing food on a limited basis to the Cyrus Centre and Vision Quest Recovery Services.

AFF has developed a weekly hamper service for a number of people and families.

Hampers   AFF provides hampers as they have food available.                                     

1. A couple on disability and their teenage son live in a run-down housing area. Having met them in a most unusual God-kind of way last September, we soon realized they were in serious need of encouragement as well as practical things like food support. They are gentle and kind, non-drug users who have suffered significant losses recently and have gone through some very difficult times.

At Christmas, they were both very sick. We provided them with a hamper and a Christmas meal. We also were able to repair a heater which had broken down and was very much needed. The cold winter stormy weather had left them unable to leave their home. She was in tears and said she thought nobody cared. They now receive a weekly hamper.

2. Mother and teenage son. They also live in a run-down housing area. The rented house they were living in burned down a few months ago. She lives in a tent behind the house and does not want to leave it. Her hope is the landlord will rebuild it. She is being encouraged to find housing but is resistant and seems traumatized by the experience. They receive a weekly hamper.

3. A young man who is a recovering addict successfully completed his recovery program and is now living with several other individuals. He has minor learning challenges, which create some issues along life’s way. He regularly attends church and AA meetings. He is cheerful and grateful for any support. He works part-time in food services.

4. Woman (35) lives independently and has a support worker to help her navigate her wellness program. She has two children who live with their fathers. She became a Christian 7 years ago and often refers to her baptism and how wonderful it was. She receives food once a month from the food bank. She appreciates food support for the weekly times when her children visit her. She is a hard worker – she works part-time at the Entertainment Center. She is a delightful, caring and sensitive person. She comes from a large family. They immigrated from Serbia. Her family is highly dysfunctional, and she can not rely on them for support.

5. Senior (over seventy with disabilities) with only limited OAP and a rabbit. We have been supporting her for the past three years with food, pet food and driving services.

6. A single, homeless musician who lives in his car.

7. A divorced father supporting his adult son. The father was injured in a work-related accident and is currently waiting for a WorkSafe settlement..


Since 2021, AFF has donated hundreds of cases of all-natural almond butter to organizations and individuals in Abbotsford.

Feb 2 2024   June 1, 2024

Today, although my husband, Win, has sadly left us for his forever home in heaven, Adventure Freedom Foundation continues to provide hampers to many people and families in need of support.

Win was the backbone behind developing our donation program. He did a fantastic job, and we miss him terribly. The foundation he built and the fact that I was intricately involved in this mission with Win ensures that we will continue to thrive and grow.

Thank you, donors. Many families and individuals tell us regularly how much they appreciate the food items they receive.

Our donors include:

  1. Salvation Army
  2. Shoppers Drug Mart (2nd Harvest)
  3. Silverhills Bakery (Sprouted Oven)
  4. Cobs Bread
  5. Meridian Markit
  6. Archway food bank
  7. Costco
  8. Superstore  

Adventure Freedom Foundation:

  1. Picks up donations weekly
  2. Makes hampers
  3. Distributes food and personal care item donations to other organizations and to one individual who uses the bread to make up to 200 sandwiches the following day for people experiencing homelessness.

With grateful hearts – Team AFF (& Win, who is cheering us on in heaven.)

Contact: Carrie Wachsmann – Executive Director  604.825.2351

          `                                                        Charity # 865359392RR0001